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Flutter Web: Service Worker & Progressive Web App (PWA)
·437 words·3 mins
Dart Flutter
Jago Django
·98 words·1 min
JagoDjango Django Python telegram
Halo Dekade Baru
·27 words·1 min
blog hello world


Indonesia Web Community Leaders Summit - WebUnconf 2019
·382 words·2 mins
Google webunconf
A Speaker & Committee of Python Conference Indonesia 2019
·320 words·2 mins
PyCon Indonesia Python Open Source Pelican
Menerjemahkan Proyek Open Source dengan Transifex
·71 words·1 min
youtube Open Source Python Bahasa Indonesia video editing kelas teknologi
Translate Sphinx Doc to Bahasa Indonesia
·137 words·1 min
Python Bahasa Indonesia Documentation Sphinx Open Source
Pelatihan Python Kerja Sama dengan UNM Parepare
·89 words·1 min
Python kelas teknologi Parepare Indonesia
Dart for Web (Behind The Scene) Video Editing for YouTube
·200 words·1 min
youtube video editing Dart kelas teknologi


Pengenalan PyTorch untuk Deep Learning
·322 words·2 mins
Udacity Machine Learning PyTorch